Family Resource Network 2021 Conference Series:
Sensory Self-Regulation:
Managing and Implementing Successful Sensory Diets
Wednesday, July 14
9:00 am – 3:00 pm with a 1 hour lunch break
Register Required: click here
Speaker: Kim Wiggins, OTR-L
Learn about:
1. The purpose of a sensory diet and explanation of sensory modulation disorder
2. How sensory activities affect the neurochemicals in the brain
3. How sensory breaks should be provided including strategies for developing Sensory breaks, routines,
and modifications
4. Various sensory activities that will be beneficial for a child. Learn how to differentiate the use of
calming, alerting, and just right activities
5. Behaviors that are most likely to be impacted through the use of a sensory diet
6. Determine who needs a sensory diet
7. Learn to make your own child’s sensory diet