Making the Most of Social Isolation while Keeping Calm
Virtual Event through Zoom
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Schools are closed and the kids are home. Many students with disabilities are missing the structure of school. Parents are scrambling to keep their kids learning, occupied and calm, but the novelty is wearing off.
Presenter Robin Buchman, Special Education Teacher, will discuss: maintaining a daily schedule, activities to provide time for exercise, activities for creativity, activities for stress management and resources!
***This training is provided through a grant from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Self-directing families will need to add “training groups” to their budgets prior to attending. Please contact Robin at (607)287-6358 for assistance adding this to your budget.***
*Registration is Required! For questions or help with registration, please call Robin at (607)287-6358. *