Please Join the Family Resource Network for Our Monthly Support Groups for Families of Individuals with OPWDD Eligibility!
We understand that caring for a child or adult with a developmental disability can be isolating and that being with someone who “gets it” can be healing. We are offering these groups as an opportunity for families to form connections, support each other, and learn from each other.
Registration is required. Childcare available upon request.
Monday October 28, 2019
Elm Park United Methodist Church
401 Chestnut St.
Oneonta, NY
***This program is funded through a grant from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Self-directing families may attend one meeting prior to adding it to their budget. If they decide to continue to attend the Support Group on a regular basis FRN will help you make the addition to your budget***
To register please follow the link below: