Getting Organized-A Fresh Start for a New Year!
Monday, February 22nd, 5:00-6:30pm – Via ZOOM
Do you struggle with keeping track of all your obligations, appointments, assignments, extracurricular activities, etc?
This month we have a special training targeted at our older youth (ages 12-19) to help you get organized!
During the workshop participants will:
Gain tools for prioritizing commitments and responsibilities
Learn how to utilize a planner to keep track of homework,
appointments, events, extracurricular activities and more!
Learn ways to effectively take and organize notes to study
more efficiently.
And more!
Everyone who registers will also be able to chose from 3 options for their very own planner to put into practice tools they
have gained during the workshop!
*Registration is required!*
For more information or to register by phone please call FRN @ 607-432-0001 and ask for Kristin