Teen Scene and Dragon Dates Virtual UNO Night

Zoom Video Conference NY, United States

Virtual Uno Night: Teen Scene and Dragon Dates Wednesday, February 10th, 5:00-6:30pm via ZOOM Have a fun family game night at home in the company of friends from FRN through virtual UNO! We will be playing multiple hands of UNO! Prizes will be given for the winner of each round. With the need for physical […]

Bring Your Child’s IEP Night

Join the Family Resource Network for a Lay Advocacy Workshop: Bring Your Child's IEP Night: With CSE season just around the corner, do you know what your child's IEP really says? Wednesday, February 10, 2021 6:00-8:00 pm Online Our advocates will walk you through the NY State IEP and discuss what each section means. If […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]

Teen Scene: Getting Organized!

Zoom Video Conference NY, United States

Please Join the Family Resource Network Teen Scene for a workshop on: Getting Organized-A Fresh Start for a New Year! Monday, February 22nd, 5:00-6:30pm - Via ZOOM Do you struggle with keeping track of all your obligations, appointments, assignments, extracurricular activities, etc? This month we have a special training targeted at our older youth (ages […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]

Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals

Please join the Family Resource Network for this workshop Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals Representatives from the ARC Ontario Therapy Dog Training Program will discuss:  The differences between service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support animals  What legal protections does each kind of animal have?  How are these animals […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]

Online and Phone Family Support Group

At Family Resource Network, we recognize that during these difficult times, families of individuals with special needs are facing unique challenges and may feel even more isolated While we can’t meet in-person to support one another, we invite you to join us for online support groups. These will be conducted through Zoom Meetings, and families […]