Mental Health and Wellness
Services Provided by FRN
Your donation can help open the door.
Family Peer Advocacy
Family Peer Advocates empower families to make informed decisions regarding the nature of supports for themselves and their child through: sharing information about resources, services and supports and exploring what might be appropriate for their child and family; exploring the needs and preferences of the family and locating relevant resources.
Residential Family Peer Advocacy Program
Residential Family Peer Support program provides a Family Peer Advocate to families who have children receiving services from the Elmwood Community Residence. The RFPA will serve as a critical link between a parent/caregiver and their local community based support providers throughout a child’s residential stay with the goal of ensuring that community connections are intact upon discharge.
Youth Peer Advocacy
Teen Scene
Bimonthly Parent Group
Southern Tier Chapter of Families Together in New York State

How to Volunteer
Volunteers are Integral to our Success.
As a non-profit organization and meeting the mission with limited resources, FRN is always looking for your help!