Teen Scene

FRN’s Program Overview

What is the Teen Scene?

Teen Scene is a group for youth, ages 12 to 19, who meet at least once a month in-person or virtually. Participants have the opportunity to express themselves through activities and projects, as well as, learn about new topics through discussion and presentations. Teen Scene is free of charge to any youth who are interested in a fun, safe, social experience.

Teen Scene Members have participated in a wide range of activities including confidence and character building exercises and community service projects. Through these activities youth will develop communication and self advocacy skills and have the opportunity to build friendships while networking with their peers.

The Family Resource Network Teen Scene Staff want to incorporate youth voice into the planning of our events. We plan to provide opportunities for youth to participate in planning meetings and leading events.

Want more information on Teen Scene?

Contact one of our Youth Peer Advocates or our Events Coordinator at (607) 432-0001.

To register, e-mail info@familyrn.org with the subject “Teen Scene” and your contact info in the body of the email!

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