Transitions Through High School and Beyond Series

Transitions Through High School and Beyond Series


This summer and fall FRN Teen Scene staff are excited to be offering a virtual series to our older youth! This series will focus on the decisions and transitions youth face and experience throughout their high school career and beyond! Throughout the series, the Family Resource Network will collaborate with various community organizations to bring helpful information to our participants on topics including, but not limited to, entering the workforce, applying to colleges or trade schools, and independent living skills. The goal of the series is to provide the youth in our community with resources to support their independence and life success. As these workshops will be focusing on topics appropriate for Transition Aged youth these workshops will be for individuals 14-21 years of age.

The first event of the series will be a presentation by our special guests Alan and Kathy from the CDO Workforce with a focus on the CDO Workforce Out-of-School Youth Services and Summer Youth Employment Program. Throughout the presentation, our guests will discuss topics such as career guidance, work experience, leadership development, and so much more!

The second event of the series will be a presentation by our guest Christopher Bradley from Reality Check. Reality Check the youth led adult supported program of TFC-DOS elevates the youth voice in this process by highlighting the importance of community action through peer education, community action and civic engagement. Christopher is prepared to discuss various topics throughout the presentation, including, tobacco marketing, smoking in media, environment justice, and more!

We will be inviting community members who specialize in these areas to lead discussions and activities about each topic and answer any questions you may have! If there is any particular transition topic you are interested in learning more about or if you are a community member interested in leading a workshop for local youth about one of these topics, please complete the following form.


Interest Form


If you have any questions about the series, please email Brooke Parmalee, YPA at with the subject “Transitions Through High School and Beyond Series.”



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