Nami Family To Family Education Programs
Family Resource Network
Free for family members, partners and significant others of individuals with Major Depression, Bi Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Personality Disorders, Panic Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders.
A series of 12 weekly classes structured to help caregivers understand and support individuals with serious mental illness while maintaining their own wellbeing. This course is taught by a team of trained NAMI family member volunteers who know what it is like to have a loved one struggling with one of these brain disorders.
There is no cost to participate in the Family to Family Education Program.
Classes start: June 6, 2018
Locations: FoxCare Center
State Hwy 7, Oneonta, NY 13820
Hours: 6:00-8:30pm
Co-Teachers: Lynn Tweedie, Rena Reba and Shari Stallone
For more information or to register call:
(607) 326-4797 or (607) 433-1714 ext 201
or email:
[email protected] or [email protected]

How to Volunteer
Volunteers are Integral to our Success.
As a non-profit organization and meeting the mission with limited resources, FRN is always looking for your help!